Title | Acharya Abhinavguptpad SahSrabdi Sampurti Vimarsh Ek Prativedan |
Author | Pradeep Kumar |
Edition | 1 |
Volume | 1 |
price | 300 |
Year Of Allotment | 2017 |
Book Version | PaperBack |
Book Description | This is a Hindi Language book based on the literary contributions of Archarya Abhinavguptpad. The author has tried to bring to light the literary contributions of Archarya Abhinavguptpad to light through this analytical book. The authors has anlysed the writing techniques and the how Archarya Abhinavguptpad tried to reveal the image of society through this fictions. |
ISBN Number | "978-81-933393-9-8" |
Language | Hindi |
Imprint | PEN2PRINT |
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