To Design Protocol for Enhance Security and Congestion Control in MANET - EduPub Books

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978-93-86647-14-6 price_$50
To Design Protocol for Enhance Security and Congestion Control in MANET

To Design Protocol for Enhance Security and Congestion Control in MANET

978-93-86647-14-6 price_$50
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Book Description


TitleTo Design Protocol for Enhance Security and Congestion Control in MANET
AuthorShanti Rathore
Year Of Allotment2017
Book VersionPaperBack
Book DescriptionThis book deals with routing in MANET which is not easy to maintained strong link in between sender to receive. The availability bandwidth in MANET is fixed, that is creating the problem of link blockage and the load is enhancing rapidly on the link.
ISBN Number"978-93-86647-14-6"

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