Choices That Make or Break - EduPub Books

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Author_Gloria Godson Books Motivational Books Price_$55
Choices That Make or Break

Choices That Make or Break

Author_Gloria Godson Books Motivational Books Price_$55
Short Description:

Book Description

 Choices That Make or Break

Gloria Godson


Life is all about the choices we make. Make good ones and you do yourself a huge favor. Make crummy ones and, well, you've got problems. Bad choices result in a life of more than your fair share of bad days. This book won't tell you what to do, but it just might keep you from making a terrible mistake in life that would derail your pursuit of happiness. The person you decide to marry, the career you pursue, even the friendships you choose to invest in these are some of life's biggest decisions, yet many are made far too casually. Dr. Ralph Carter has spent decades trying to point people in a direction that would enable them to live life well to make fewer mistakes to live life, as the writer of Proverbs puts it, "skillfully." The key to living such a life is to make good choices. It's not rocket science, nor is it dumb luck. So are you going to start choosing well? You make the call.

Book Specifications

Book Identifiers

Title of Book

Choices that Make or Break

Author Name

Gloria Godson

Print Book ISBN no. 

eBook ISBN



ISBN Barcode


Independently Published

Year of Publication



Fiction > General


2022 © Gloria Godson

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