Mysteries of the Wilderness - EduPub Books

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Author_Apostle Dr Isaac Odoi Danquah Books price_$30
Mysteries of the Wilderness

Mysteries of the Wilderness

Author_Apostle Dr Isaac Odoi Danquah Books price_$30
Short Description:

Book Description

Life is a mystery and every mystery venture requires a code or key to break through or break even and have access to all the goodies and important things in it. Such is life as no one wants to be poor or seen as poor but a wealthy rich individual having total control over all things and impacting generations. In this book, the author sorts for adventure of breaking even or making it in life in its fullest sense and details all issues associated with wilderness or deep pits in life with such adventure towards greatness and a successful life. This book details some of the possible wilderness one will find himself/herself, the different kinds of people found in the wilderness, the opportunities available towards greatness, the potentials available towards enrichment in life and the steadfastness one ought to have as he/she goes through wilderness or deep pits in life. I intended my book and research to help you, the reader to know that greatness is for all and so is Christ but how to reach heaven (greatness or riches in life) depends on you – picking up your own cross and going through the hell of a shit. And this hell of a shit will be your wilderness or deep pits in life. How to reach the final destination of greatness depends on the knowledge, experience and character you build when in the wilderness. Once everyone wants to be rich, great man/woman or wealthy in life, know that there will be wilderness or deep pits along the way and the need to prepare for it with various schools of thoughts, but with Christ the ultimate of all.

Book Details 
Book Name : Mysteries of the Wilderness
ISBN Number : 978-93-95891-95-0
Author name: Apostle Dr Isaac Odoi Danquah

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