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978-93-92585-83-8 Books


978-93-92585-83-8 Books
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Authors Name: Yogita K.S. & V. Basil Hans ISBN: 978-93-92585-83-8

Book Description

 It's likely that economics seems like a distant and abstract field, full of complicated calculations and concepts that are best left to the specialists in the academic world and policymakers. This is because economics includes a lot of complicated calculations and ideas. However, the fact of the matter is that economics is at the center of every decision that we make, from the moment we get up and decide what to eat for breakfast to more substantial life choices such as purchasing a home or pursuing higher education. This is true on a daily basis. The field of economics is all around us and has an impact on everything, despite the fact that we aren't always aware of its presence.

The concept that everyone ought to have access to the resources and information that are necessary to comprehend the world that surrounds them was the impetus behind the production of this book, which is named Economics in Everyday Life: A Book on Economic Study. The book was written with the intention of educating readers about economics. Everyone is capable of comprehending the fundamental concepts that are accountable for prices, wages, interest rates, and trade; it is not required to be an economist in order to do so. It is likely that having a better grasp of economics might not only help you make better decisions for yourself, but it may also enable you to become more active in the societal concerns and policies that are vital to all of us. This is something that a greater understanding of economics can do.

 When we set out to write this book, our intention was to establish a bridge between the realm of academic economics and the world of everyday life. The goal that we have set for ourselves is to eliminate the jargon and provide an explanation of the fundamental concepts in a format that is not only understood but also applicable. Whether you are a student who is experiencing economics for the first time, a working professional who is looking to better your financial literacy, or simply a reader who is ready to learn more about how the world runs, this book is aimed for you. It does not matter what your background is.

 In this book, we are going to talk about well-known concepts like supply and demand, but we are going to do so in a way that will immediately connect them to your own personal experiences. It is our intention to delve into topics such as money and banking, labor markets, taxation, healthcare, and international trade, while at the same time retaining a singular concentrate on the implications that these issues have in the real world. As we move forward, we will introduce you to a number of exciting new subfields of economics, such as environmental economics, behavioral economics, and the rapidly developing topic of the influence that technology has on the economy. This is something that we shall do while we are having this conversation.

 In the end, we hope that you will not only have a better grasp of the world from an economic standpoint, but that you will also have a higher sense of self-assurance in your capacity to make well-informed decisions in your own life. This is something that we hope you will leave with. The field of economics is not merely a subject that ought to be studied; rather, it is a subject that ought to be studied. It is a practical guide to handling the complexity of the modern world.

 This research into the role that economics plays in everyday life is very welcomed, and we thank you for your participation in it. With you, we are looking forward to uncovering the fascinating connections that exist between theory and practice, and more importantly, we are looking forward to aiding you in recognizing economics as a tool that can be utilized to enrich your day-to-day life. We are  looking forward to this opportunity.

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How to Cite this Book in APA Style 

S., Y. K., & Hans, V. B. (2024). Economic Concepts in Day-to-Day Life: An Anthology of Economic Research. Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd. 

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